Thursday, August 18, 2011

Diseases Caused By Stress

Stress is a normal process the body to overcome the threats and challenges, emotional. Stress response serves to protect organs and to increase physical stamina. But the long-term stress can be fatal.

Constant stress, such as pressure of work, feeling bored or was due to fight together, it will become chronic stressors, the fight or flight mechanism (fight or flight response), which should always be temporary. Prolonged pressure can lead to conditions that disrupt the health and safety.

This is really bad news was concerned about fertility, couples who are expecting a child. Research shows stress hormones will prevent the production of testosterone, so the reduced number of sperm produced. In fact, the concept of quality and quantity of sperm cells must be maintained.

The good news is the reduction in sperm count can be corrected if it is to overcome the stress they experienced. When you are pregnant this software, do sports and recreation activities for reducing stress levels.

Skin disorders and skin conditions of stress, as well as two good friends. Stress can lead to disturbances of fat balance in the skin epidermis and easy to bacterial infection. Some studies have shown the skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis and stress.

The majority of adult obesity, the obese are those who stress. Eating food often becomes a runaway emotions can be felt, resulting in body weight continued to soar. Stress can stomach more quickly feel hungry, even immediately after plate of food.

Although asthma causes asthma attacks occur suddenly, but is more common in stressful situations. Tension and panic attacks also can cause shortness of breath and aggravate asthma attacks.

Mechanisms of autoimmune diseases, the fight or flight response, when the body perceives a threat to the body's defense system is really good because it gives us more alert, rapid growth, and response speed. Unfortunately, our bodies do not recognize the distinction between physical and mental challenges.

Research shows stress will reduce the effectiveness of our immune system. Why? Stress makes the immune system due to imbalances of our blood cells become slower, so that a virus that attacks to beat us without a fight.

Hypertension and heart disease between chronic stress and cardiovascular disease seen in the results of the study of married couples. Single people are statistically more deaths than the married because they have no emotional support.

Anxiety or stress can lead to growth hormones adrenaline and cortisol, causing people to have a bad habit of smoking, food and stop exercising. If not treated with a potential risk factor for hypertension.

Migraine headaches and stress, when the vessel head space will be expanded as a result of an imbalance of chemicals. This imbalance will cause pain and migraine timbul

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4 Foods Prevent Cancer

Without doubt the most feared disease for women is breast cancer. The risk of losing a breast, even death, have occurred when they learn of the disease.

In Indonesia, according to data from Indonesia Cancer Foundation, breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women and over 50 percent of patients were in junior school.

Prior to this fatal disease attacks the body, experts have discovered a super food that can prevent breast cancer, as quoted in the pages of The Times of India:

Insufficient intake of vegetables
The best way to prevent this disease is to eat a variety of vegetables every day. Nutrients containing vegetables is easily absorbed by the body if processed correctly. How to grow plants that can prevent and fight cancer one cooked in olive oil.

Spinach is very useful to combat this deadly disease. Other vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, beets, tomatoes and pumpkins are rich in carotenoids are believed to have anticancer properties.

Not all fruits can prevent cancer
Limit foods high in calories from fruits such as avocado. Choose fruit that is good food to prevent breast cancer, such as red wine, strawberries, peaches, grapes and apples. Fruit for breakfast routine correctly will help better absorb nutrients efficiently, instead of accumulating more calories, which can cause the growth of cancer cells.

Consumption of wheat
Food wheat and dairy products contain fiber, which helps control weight and reduce estrogen levels in the blood reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Limit dairy products
Milk, cheese and yogurt should be limited, as these foods increase your calorie intake without contributing much to protect cancer. It is therefore possible to replace cow's milk with soy milk. Eggs will also be more useful for their daily consumption.

Furthermore, consumption of healthy foods, add olive oil in food. Virgin olive oil is considered the best choice for cooking. You may even consider adding to your salad with olive oil.